Thursday, January 12, 2012

Christmas Cookies 2012

Here are the results of our fourth annual christmas cookie frost-off. Stephen's brother Jonathan and his family came over to help, and seeing as this was our fourth year, we sprung for some more advanced decorating tools. Bring on the tips!

Best Merry Christmas From Leningrad:

Best Goth Cookie:

Best Traditional Cookie:

Best Jimmy Buffett Cookie:

Best Cookie That Could Also Be A Tattoo:

The Salvadore Dali Award for Best Surrealist Cookie:

Best Protest Cookie (tie):

Best Undue Corporate Influence Cookie:

Best Minimalist  Cookie (the star):

Best Texture and Most Gratuitous Use Of Frosting:

Best Stone Age Cookie and Best 3D Cookie:

Best Protest Cookie (tie) and Best Cookie Incorporating Multiple Cookies:


Yang Kuo said...

is good for bog thanks for posting....


Juliawilliams96 said...

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